Grander applications for Homes & Business |
For pricing please call us at 1-718-788-8783
On this page you will find the most amazing water treatment that has ever been created. Thanks to the efforts of Johann Grander and the connection he has with nature.
What is happening to our water? We are rapidly destroying water's life-giving capacities on a small and large scale.
Water sources are being polluted from industrial wastes, deforestation, herbicide sprays and house hold detergents; by anything that runs into the rivers and water sources.
Many believe that to purify our drinking water by distilling or chlorinating processes has proven to be unhealthy for us.
Purified water strips the body of trace minerals and elements, weakening our immune system. Chlorination not only weakens our immune system but introduces harmful chemical compounds and their vibrations into our water.
Revitalized water can restore the natural properties to your water.
The Grander Living water System The Grander® Water Revitalization process is a technology of information transfer (transmiting natural information of the highest order). Much like energetic homeopathy. Nothing is added to the water except information, nor is anything removed from it.
According to Johann Grander® , the creator of Grander® Technology, the properties of revitalized water can be transmitted to all waters--with the associated positive spin-off effects for human beings, animals, plants and the environment as a whole.
The revitalization is carried-out by devices that are filled with Grander® information water and are either built into the water supply or are immersed directly into the water itself.
This Information Water forms the basis for all subsequent applications of the Grander® Technology.
The following properties of revitalized water can be derived from users personal experiences.
1. Enhanced freshness as a result of a balanced microbiology; 2. Improved taste; 3. Water feels softer; 4. Water appearance improves; 5. May increase your sense of well being; 6. Makes food (fruit, vegetables, bread, beverages, water etc...) taste better and fresher, with increased flavor and life-span; 7. Makes your plants grow better and provides more striking and intense color on flowering plants; 8. Improves solubility and thus saves on washing and cleaning materials; 9. The used Grander® information revitalized water goes back into the environment still revitalized, so that Grander® may again benefit nature; 10. Animals are attracted to and benefit from Grander® information revitalized water ;
The pictures below show the different Grander® units. In the compartments below we will show the individual units and give their uses and specifications.
I am currently in the process of building this site to better serve you; remember patience is a virtue. For more information on the Grander® phenomena e-mail us Thank you Steven.
Grander® Water inline units for homes, buildings and pools |
Grander® Flexible unit for under sinks, showers, and portable uses |
Grander® Flexable Water unit attached to shower |
For Pricing please call us at 1-718-788-8783
3/8" Grander® Flexible Living Water Inline Unit
The Flexible unit is the best choice for apartment dwellers because it can be plumed directly into your apartment with many different size fittings and without cutting your existing pipe lines. Therefore your land lord will not mind having it there.
The Flexible water revitalizer for Apartment home and travel use. Easily and quickly mounted on water taps, upstream from mixer taps, washing machines, dish washers, between the sections of your garden hose, on your shower, under your apartment sink, travel application etc.
It can be installed and un-installed and moved if you need it to be. Although it is considered portable it is best left in place other wise extensive installation and removal can result in worn threads on the unit reducing the tightness of the fit to the pipes in future applications.
Measures (mm/in) 120/4.75 x 60/2.4 x 40/1.6 Weight 1 kg/ 2.21 lbs.
This unit has a working pressure of 7 bars or 98 psi and an operating temperature range from 1 to 60°C or 34 to 140° F
I am currently in the process of building this site to better serve you; remember patience is a virtue. For more information on the Grander® phenomena e-mail us Thank you Rebecca.
Grander® Inline Unit for buildings and homes installed |
Grander® Water example of water flow and information exchange in Grander inline and other units |
Johann Grander the father of Grander Water Technology |
Grander Flexible "We are Revitalizing the Earth's water one home and Business at a time." |
"We are Revitalizing the Earth's Water one Home and Business at a time"TM |
For pricing please call us at 1-718-788-8783
Grander® Inline water units 3/8" 1/2" and 3/4" The Grander® 3/8" inline unit shown on the far right in the photo of the Grander® inline units above is most convenient for installation on a single line.
The unit allows for energized water to be distributed to a single tap.
Applications include:
Ice making machines
Refrigerators with water and Ice makers
Water coolers
Commercial and home coffee makers
Soda dispensing machines
The 3/8" is also excellent to carry as a portable unit such as with camping or traveling since it can easily be fitted with a funnel type arrangement, so any liquid can be poured through and therefore energized. Some people choose to pour liquids such as water, juices, beer or wine; any thing you wish through the grander® unit to utilize it's benefits.
The 1/2", and 3/4" inline units shown second and third from the far right in the photo above are the most popular in residential use depending on the size of your feed in pipe from the city state or municipality that supplies your water. If you have a 3/4" inch line coming in you should use either a 3/4" or a 1" inline unit but not a unit smaller than a 3/4" inline unit.
The inline units are placed "in-line" of the main water line entering the house, cottage, shack etc..
Installation is easy and inexpensive, best of all there is no follow-up expense of electricity, natural gas, chemicals,recharge materials, etc.
The Grander® Technology continuously puts nature's balancing universal energy into your water.
After a unit gets placed "in-line" then the entire house gets revitalized water.
*Drinking *Laundry *Bathing *Dishes *Garden *Grass *Pets *Trees
In addition the revitalized energy of Grander® Technology information water is sent throughout the house. Some people suggest "Energy" has a "energizing effect on the whole house and your environment within your home.
I keep getting comments that my home feels like a comforting sanctuary.
Sizes in Imperial Standards = American Measurments
Size of Inline Unit |
Weight Oz |
Height Inches |
Width Inches |
Depth Inches
3/8" |
2.2 |
3.94 |
1.7 |
1.77 |
1/2" |
3.3 |
5.12 |
2.56 |
3/4" |
7.7 |
7.09 |
3.35 |
3.35 |
These units have a working pressure of 20 bars or 280 psi with a burst press of 200 bars or 2800 psi. Operating temperature range from 0° to 95°C or 32° to 205° F
I am currently in the process of building this site to better serve you; remember patience is a virtue. For more information on the Grander® phenomena e-mail us Thank you Steven.
"We are Revitalizing the Earth's Water one Home and Business at a time"TM |
For pricing please call us at 1-718-788-8783
Grander® Inline Water Units 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3" and 4"
These units shown as the third in from the left and the second in from the left in the picture above are mostly used in Large homes, small industrial applications like bakeries, chocolate production, pet shops, restaurents, Pizza Parlors, laundry mats, dry cleaners, photo producing studios or other small or large production business using water or chemical solutions.
A recent popular use is SPAS and swimming pools, Farmers or community farmers or gardens use energy inline units.
The Taos New Mexico pool is the first municipal pool in the United States of America to be Grander® technology energy treated and the results are astoundingly wonderful; you can look this up on u-tube under Taos pool and Grander.
Grander® energy devices are also being used to add energy to water and feed used on livestock and pets.
*Lower bacteria *lower virus *lower sickness in general *higher oxygen input *aids in cleaning *animals drink more *production improvement *lower use of chemicals *savings *saving our ecology and environme
Approximate weights and measurements Imperial Standards = American
Inline~Size |
Weight~Oz |
Height~Inches |
Width~Inches |
Depth~Inches |
1" |
10.0 |
8.27 |
3.74 |
3.74 |
1~1/4" |
24.25 |
11.81 |
6.30 |
4.33 |
1~1/2" |
28.7 |
13.40 |
6.30 |
4.33 |
2" |
44.1 |
17.52 |
7.09 |
5.12 |
2~1/2" |
73.9 |
20.98 |
8.66 |
6.70 |
3" To outside Flange |
8.66 13.78
6.70 7.87
4" To outside Flange
Approximate weights and measurements Metric Standards
Size and type of unit Weight Kg Height mm Width mm Depth mm
1" inline unit: 4.5 210 95 95 1 1/4" " 11.0 300 160 110 1 1/2" " 13.0 340 160 120 2" " 20.0 445 180 130 2 1/2" " 33.5 533 220 160 3" " 46.0 610 220 170 to outside flange 350 250 4" " 115 910 340 260 to outsidw flange 530 260
These units have a working pressure of 20 bars or 280 psi with a burst press of 200 bars or 2800 psi.
Operating temperature range from 0° to 95°C or 32° to 205° F
I am currently in the process of building this site to better serve you; remember patience is a virtue. For more information on the Grander® phenomena e-mail us Thank you Steven.