Grander Living Water Energy Boards |
For pricing and more information please call us at 1-718-788-8783
It can be used anywhere unnatural energy fields exist or where reduced life energies affect people, pets, water, foods etc.
These unnatural forces can be caused by computers, televisions, close proximity to power lines, cell phone towers, microwave machines etc.
The Living Water board can have positive effects used under foods, water, liquids of any kind, under plant containers, pillows, seat cushions, in your car, in your refrigerator, on your television, in your work or play areas. Use your imagination the possibilities are endless.
I have even carried mine into restaurants and used them under my plates. When you eat out you need to be extra careful about health softy.
The boards come in two sizes:
Small approximately 7" X 7" good for travel small containers and to place under gallon jugs are to place under your pillow. Again many possibilities.
Large approximately 11 1/4" X 11 1/4" good for larger applications such as under your car seat, under your computer seat, under larger containers of water liquids or foods, grains etc. under pillows; wherever extra life giving energy is needed.
I know Massage therapists, energy workers and physical therapists who place the Grander® boards under the therapy tables so the Grander® energy can benefit their patients and clients.
I also know health store owners who place their nutrients over Grander® boards so that their nutrients are more absorbable for their clients.
Spas professionals who have used Grander® boards under clay face mask solutions say that their clients feel more of an effect than with out the boards.
Bakery owners say that their baked goods stay fresh longer and that breads rise higher than before they used Grander® Technology.
As I said the possibilities are endless.
I am currently in the process of building this site to better serve you; remember patience is a virtue. For more information on the Grander® phenomena e-mail us Thank you Rebecca. starchild23@verizon.net