To what needs does the PSiO answer to ?
Do you suffer from sleep disorders ? Are you permanently tired or even sometimes depressed ? The PSiO technology offers an innovative, simple and effective solution to rediscover optimum well-being. Depending on the time of the day and the need, the sessions are tailored in terms of rhythms, colors and eventually relaxing messages.
Do you experience any of these problems ?
- Sleep Disorder
- Chronic Fatigue & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Shift work & Intellectual Strain
Use the PSiO solution
It can be divided into 1 to 3 sessions per day :
Morning Sessions (positive visions)
They allow you to wake up more efficiently with the adequate light and start the day in good shape thanks to positive visualization experienced with your PSiO.
Afternoon Sessions (music)
They are powernap programs which allow you to have a very short and efficient recovery break in music while stimulating the mind. The Result: you will feel highly energized !
Evening sessions (relaxing voices)
The pulsed colors associated with relaxing voices & music help you stop the incessant flow of thoughts and naturally put your mind at rest. This is the ideal alternative to sleeping pills.
NB: In addition to the sessions pre-loaded on your PSiO, hundreds of programs suited to your needs can be downloaded from our online platform go to www.piso.com and type in rebecca where you are asked for the name of your ambassador. www.psio.com ambasador rebecca 1-718-788-8783www.psioplanet

Continuous or pulsed light
The programs in the "Pulsed Light" mode favor a quick distraction of one's attention helping to shut down ‘brain chatter'. They are appropriate for sleep or stress disorders.
The programs in the "Continuous Light" mode are, in turn, frequently used to fight against SAD.

Eyes open or closed ?
Even with closed eyes, the light comes through the eyelids. However, it is advisable to use the PSiO :
In the morning : eyes open, programs designed for awakening (guided visualization by voice).
In the afternoon : eyes opened or closed, programs designed to make a break / nap (music).
In the evening : eyes closed, programs designed to be listened to in bed before sleep (relaxing voices).