Grainfields� live Non GMO Grander� treated Probiotic digestive aid Powders |
Grainfields USA / International |
Grainfieldsus® / Canada Probiotic powders
Non GMO~Organic~Gluten Free~Pre digested for total absorbability Super probiotic Powders
Recommended and used by:
GAPs, Paleolithic and Body Ecology Diets.
| Grainfields Phytofood Powder Grander Treated for maximum absorbability
Our Phytofood is a probiotic powder containing lactobacillus-fermented Legumes, Tubers, Seeds, Grains, and other select ingredients. These have been chosen to provide the building blocks that our bodies use to create hormones naturally, and to provide us with optimum nutritional support.
The protein from legumes can help regulate sugar, water, and other aspects of metabolism, as well as promote balanced sexual activity and proper growth and development of the body, including the brain. Legumes are not only high in protein, but also in fat and carbohydrate. They are rich sources of potassium, calcium, iron, and several B-vitamins.
Seaweed is added because it contains minerals in the most assimilable form. The minerals and elements are integrated into living plant tissue. Sweet Potato is rich in vitamin A, adding Spirulina also an especially effective vitamin A source. Sesame seeds have rich stores of calcium. Pepitas are valuable sources of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Whole Brown Rice is dense with B vitamins. Linseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Oats are one of the richest silicon foods.
It has been postulated that menopause can be postponed through optimum nutrition and other health practices, perhaps for one or two decades. This idea is one facet of longevity theories which suggest that people in general are living foreshortened lives, and that bodily functions such as hormonal secretions are drying up too soon. For men and women Phytofood adds to the diet by supplying easily digested nutrients that are often not present in the modern nutrient depleted diet but were common in past generations and cultures. Some people have difficulty digesting beans and other legumes. Phytofood is easy as it already pre-digested and has undergone the unique (FloraFerm) fermentation process.
Our Phytofood is an excellent source of probiotic bacteria and it supports the growth of friendly bacteria. Many modern diets include caffeine, sugar, simple carbohydrates, preservatives and overly processed foods. Most people have taken antibiotics at some stage. These factors can lead to reduced levels of probiotic bacteria in the intestinal system, providing an environment for putrefactive (Bad) bacteria to take hold and multiply. Including Our Phytofood in your diet regularly may help replenish your supply of probiotic (Good) bacteria and replace those lost through normal body functioning as well as adding a good food for the encouragement of healthy bacteria.
Use in fruit smoothies, sprinkle over cereal, add to recipes, mix with water or Grainfields liquid as a meal replacement or eat by the spoonful. It is quite tasty.
Whole Organic: (Chick Peas, Red Lentils), Soy Bean, Organic Sweet Potato, Whole Organic: (BD Rice, Linseed, Oat Grain, Barley Grain, Rye Grain), Organic Spirulina, Malt, Organic Molasses, Adzuki Beans, Kidney Beans, Pepitas, Sunflower Kernels, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Sesame Seeds, Seaweed, Fructose, Glucose, Whole Organic: (Maize, Alfalfa Seed, Mung Beans, Wheat, Millet), Buckwheat, Dong Quai, PLUS Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbreukii, Saccharomyces boulardii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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All Grander® Treated by us for maximum absorption for you.
| Introducing Zing Mushrooms Powder: The Awsome power of Mushrooms, Maca Root and Spirulina; pre-digested with the FloraFerm™ process, cultured, fermented and Grander® treated for instant bio-availability. You do no digestive work but recieve all of tbe benefits.
The mushrooms Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi). Cordyceps, Sinesis and Lentinula Edodes (Hioko or Shiatki) have been popular in Asia medicine for thousands of yeasrs. Now gaining recognation in the west, they have become famous for a wide array of impressive properties. Studies have shown thet these mushrooms may help reduce high bolld pressure, improve athelitic performance, reduce the effects of ageing, lower cholesterol, improve liver function and even retard ther growth of cancer cells.
Mushrooms are made of chitinous cells, a pollysaccharide which is difficult to digest. In order to break down the chitinous cells and release the nutrients the mushrooms need to be processed in some way.
Grainfields USA foods uses their unique process (FloraFerm™) to fermjent the mushrooms with a combination of powerful superfoods and quality vegetarian source of protein to create this potent Zing Powder.
Ingredients: Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Cordyceps Sinesis and Lentin Edodes (Hioko or Shitaki), Mung Beans, Chick Peas, Rice, Lentles, Vegetable protein, Linseed, Alfalfa Seed, Millet and Quinoa= Zing Powder.
Also included are the Superfoods: Spirulina and Maca Root!
Spirulina has a higher proportion of protein than yeast (35%), fish (18 --> 20%) or even eggs (45%). Spirulina was also discovered to be an amazing source of vitamin B-12 containing more than twice as much as the usually accepted provider of vitamine B-12 Liver.
Maca Root contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins, enymes, and all of the essential amino acids. Is rich in B-vitamins, which are the energy vitamins, and Maca is a vegetarian source of B-12, has high levels of bio-avaioable calsium and magnesium. Maca Root helps balance your hormones and stimulates and nourishes your hypothalamus and pituitary glands.
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