Herbal Tinctures and Extracts (Ancient Wisdom) |
"The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough" (George Washington Carver) |
Plants can heal us in many ways. They can awaken the ancient healer that is encoded deep in our consciousnesness. Plants help our bodiesreconnect with mother Earth's healing powers. Wildcrafted plants in particular, are stronger healers than their cultivated siblings as they have a stronger spirit. The wild conditions cause them to produce more medicinal value and a stronger spirit. The wild conditions cause them to produce more medicine. The wild plants that live and grow in our local environment were placed here specifically to aid us on our journey.
huntress |
George Washington Carver's Wisdom: "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these". |
Grander® Energy Water Fall |
NOTE: The following information should not be used for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease. The information contained herein is in no way intended to be a guide to medical practice, or a recommendation that herbs be usedfor medical purposes. the information is for educational purposes only and does not nor ever should be construed as replacing the services of a doctor or physician. We are not Dr's. Please consult your doctor with anything that are thinking of doing or taking. We have a liscensed diatition on call.
The below is a legal notice and disclaimer...
Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Practitioner. As you know we are working with our licensed Medical Doctor and our licensed Dietitian or your preferred Medical Doctor and licensed Dietitian.
Disclaimer: If you have any condition, mental, physical or other please consult your medical doctor or physician. Any and all healing or injury including death that may occur is of your own choice, doing and responsibility. All suggestions herein on these pages are based on experimental technology and done with your full knowledge. You yourself are responsible for any choices made in the following suggestions herein.
Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Practitioner. If you have any condition, mental, physical or other please consult your medical doctor or physician. Any and all healing that may occur is of your own doing and responsibility. All suggestions herein on these pages are based on experimental technology and done with your full knowledge. You yourself are responsible for any choices made in these following suggestions herein.
Unripened black Walnuts called Green Black Walnut: Essence juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Helps one stand on their own. Protects against "emotional parasites" |
Unripened black Walnuts called Green Black Walnut: Tincture juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Natural source of iodine and fluoride, protection from radiation, thyroid, intestinal worms, topical anti-fungal, blood cleanser, antiseptic, antibacterial as a gargle, repels fleas, topical anti-lice |
Unripened black Walnuts called Green Black Walnut: Tincture juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Natural source of iodine and fluoride, protection from radiation, thyroid, intestinal worms, topical anti-fungal, blood cleanser, antiseptic, antibacterial as a gargle, repels fleas, topical anti-lice |
Grander® the natural waterfall energy. All of our tinctures and Essences are Grander® treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness. |
1 ounce Blue Vervain (Verbena hastate) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Good for those who are rigid and hold it all in. Nervous exhaustion |
1 ounce Blue Vervain (Verbena hastate) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Natural tranquilizer, nervine, bitter,hepatic, stress, ADHD, galactagoug, anti-rheumatic, depression |
2 ounce Blue Vervain (Verbena hastate) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Natural tranquilizer, nervine, bitter,hepatic, stress, ADHD, galactagoug, anti-rheumatic, depression |
Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Cleanse the consciousnesses of deep anger from the past |
Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Blood purifier, eczema, psoriasis, natural source of iron, bitter, alterative, digestion |
Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Blood purifier, eczema, psoriasis, natural source of iron, bitter, alterative, digestion |
Cleavers (Gallium aparine) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Assists during a process of change or when one is feeling "stuck" |
Cleavers (Gallium Aparine) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: removes lumps, swollen glands, mild lymphedema, diuretic, prostatitis, cystitis, SID's |
Cleavers (Gallium Aparine) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: removes lumps, swollen glands, mild lymphedema, diuretic, prostatitis, cystitis, SID's |
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Used when bringing life back together or during times of repair |
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Used when bringing life back together or during times of repair, heals broken bones, cuts, muscles, ligaments, sprains, stops bleeding, varicose veins, liver health, ulcers, hemorrhoids, poultice |
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Used when bringing life back together or during times of repair, heals broken bones, cuts, muscles, ligaments, sprains, stops bleeding, varicose veins, liver health, ulcers, hemorrhoids, poultice |
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: For thoes who are chronic d0-gooders and need self care |
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: For thoes who are chronic do-gooders and need self care |
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: For thoes who are chronic do-gooders and need self care |
Forget Me Not ((Myosotis sylvatica) Essence juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Works on the pineal gland, or third eye, stimulates the subconscious to promote conscious connections with loved ones on the other side. Helps with sleeping and dreaming |
Forget Me Not ((Myosotis sylvatica) Tincture juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Works on the pineal gland, or third eye, stimulates the subconscious to promote conscious connections with loved ones on the other side. Helps with sleeping and dreaming |
Forget Me Not ((Myosotis sylvatica) Tincture juglans nigra. Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Works on the pineal gland, or third eye, stimulates the subconscious to promote conscious connections with loved ones on the other side. Helps with sleeping and dreaming |
Hawthorn (Crataegus Lavigata) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Heart tonic, high blood pressure, murmur, angina, circulation, arteriosclerosis, fat metabolism, CHF, periodontal disease, very gentle, The Essence heals grief and broken hearts, Helps you move into a heart centered consciousness |
Hawthorn (Crataegus Lavigata) Essence or tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Heart tonic, high blood pressure, murmur, angina, circulation, arteriosclerosis, fat metabolism, CHF, periodontal disease, very gentle, The Essence heals grief and broken hearts, Helps you move into a heart centered consciousness |
Hawthorn (Crataegus Lavigata) tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Heart tonic, high blood pressure, murmur, angina, circulation, arteriosclerosis, fat metabolism, CHF, periodontal disease, very gentle, The Essence heals grief and broken hearts, Helps you move into a heart centered consciousness |
Holy Basil Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum santctum gratissimum: Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Essence brings mental clarity and direction in life, Tincture adrenal tonic, relaxant, sedative, adaptogen, anti viral |
Holy Basil Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum santctum gratissimum: Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Essence brings mental clarity and direction in life, Tincture adrenal tonic, relaxant, sedative, adaptogen, anti viral |
Holy Basil Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum santctum gratissimum: Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Essence brings mental clarity and direction in life, Tincture adrenal tonic, relaxant, sedative, adaptogen, anti viral |
Spotted Jewelweed (Impatient Biflora) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence helps those who need patience, inner calm and a sense of safety. Tincture topically for poison ivy, hemorrhoids, insect bites, burns, rashes |
Spotted Jewelweed (Impatient Biflora) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence helps those who need patience, inner calm and a sense of safety. Tincture topically for poison ivy, hemorrhoids, insect bites, burns, rashes |
Spotted Jewelweed (Impatient Biflora) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence helps those who need patience, inner calm and a sense of safety. Tincture topically for poison ivy, hemorrhoids, insect bites, burns, rashes |
Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Good for addictions and those who don't feel present on this Earth. Tincture Promotes menstruation, eases cramps, reduces hot flashes, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, depression, externally for HSV, insect repellant. |
Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Good for addictions and those who don't feel present on this Earth. Tincture Promotes menstruation, eases cramps, reduces hot flashes, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, depression, externally for HSV, insect repellant. |
Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) Essence Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Good for addictions and those who don't feel present on this Earth. Tincture Promotes menstruation, eases cramps, reduces hot flashes, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, depression, externally for HSV, insect repellant. |
Lobelia (Lobelia Inflate) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Respiratory stimulant and expectorant, asthma, powerful relaxant, emetic, Essence Good for addictions, for people who feel congested or stuck, cravings, drug addictions, blood cleanser liver cleanser |
Lobelia (Lobelia Inflate) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Respiratory stimulant and expectorant, asthma, powerful relaxant, emetic, Essence Good for addictions, for people who feel congested or stuck, cravings, drug addictions, blood cleanser liver cleanser |
Lobelia (Lobelia Inflate) Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness : Mythos Respiratory stimulant and expectorant, asthma, powerful relaxant, emetic, Essence Good for addictions, for people who feel congested or stuck, cravings, drug addictions, blood cleanser liver cleanser |
Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus): Essence and Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness. Mythos: Expectorant, demulcent, nervine, anti-spasmodic, bronchitis, oil used for ear infections The Essence for those who need to find their voice. Brings softness to "hard" situations. |
Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus): Essence and Tincture Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness. Mythos: Expectorant, demulcent, nervine, anti-spasmodic, bronchitis, oil used for ear infections The Essence for those who need to find their voice. Brings softness to "hard" situations. |
Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essences Enhances psychic perception and dream awareness. Helps provide insight and increase 5th dimensional awareness. Tincture Muscle relaxer, digestive tonic, increases bile flow, eliminates worms, uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, sore muscles |
Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essences Enhances psychic perception and dream awareness. Helps provide insight and increase 5th dimensional awareness. Tincture Muscle relaxer, digestive tonic, increases bile flow, eliminates worms, uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, sore muscles |
Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essences Enhances psychic perception and dream awareness. Helps provide insight and increase 5th dimensional awareness. Tincture Muscle relaxer, digestive tonic, increases bile flow, eliminates worms, uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, sore muscles |
Red Clover (Trifolium Pretense): Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence promoter self-awareness lessons anxiety helps to bring forth your truth, Tincture: Blood purifier, anti-neoplastic, psoriasis, eczema, alternative, liver cleanser, bronchitis, fibroids |
Red Clover (Trifolium Pretense): Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence promoter self-awareness lessons anxiety helps to bring forth your truth, Tincture: Blood purifier, anti-neoplastic, psoriasis, eczema, alternative, liver cleanser, bronchitis, fibroids |
Red Clover (Trifolium Pretense): Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence promoter self-awareness lessons anxiety helps to bring forth your truth, Tincture: Blood purifier, anti-neoplastic, psoriasis, eczema, alternative, liver cleanser, bronchitis, fibroids |
Saint Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Reduces fears and nightmares. Tincture: UTI's sedative, stress, anti-depressant, anxiety, pulled muscles/ligaments, restorative nerve tonic, chronic nerve pain |
Saint Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Reduces fears and nightmares. Tincture: UTI's sedative, stress, anti-depressant, anxiety, pulled muscles/ligaments, restorative nerve tonic, chronic nerve pain |
Saint Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Grander® Treated for enhanced absorbability and effectiveness Mythos: Essence Reduces fears and nightmares. Tincture: UTI's sedative, stress, anti-depressant, anxiety, pulled muscles/ligaments, restorative nerve tonic, chronic nerve pain |